Friday, September 11, 2009

LIve Life

“If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "Live Life".

This bumper sticker applies to my life in a few ways. I am a person who likes to have fun, so this saying helps demonstrate that. I believe it is always important to be yourself and let others see you for who you are. It is good to have the quality of being the person who made something fun out of nothing and had a good time no matter what it is. You make valuable friends when you are honest. I also think this idea teaches a valuable lesson because it teaches you to let things go. I think life is too short to be caught up in things that are not worth your time.

The last thing I get from this is the live it up. Again- life is too short to hold back and not do what you want. I think I defiantly live by this quote.


  1. I agree, if we all tried to be a little less worried about certain things, life would be a bit more fun.

  2. Nice post, I think to often people go through life alive, but don't live it.

  3. Hi Sheila

    I agree, life is short and we should just live it up

  4. "Live life" sounds so simple that you may not put much thought into it. But it is very important. We should take advantage of every moment we have, but many times we end up wallowing in self pity over something so trivial it is definitely not worth taking time away from our precious lives.

  5. Very good i like it same concept as live life to fullest almost just live it not just being alive.

  6. life is to short to not do what you want and to hold onto things that are not worth your time. life is short so go out and live it up!

  7. Your philosophy is good, we shouldn't be caught up in problems that aren't worth the time.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It's amazing how two words can really shape a person's life. Well written.

  10. If you don't live your life who will? You will miss out on so much.

  11. I agree. Everyone is different, and people should respect that. Each person has something that they can give to the world, and pretending to be someone else isnt it.

  12. I like your post a lot because it is something I believe in as well! It is like you read my mind because this is how I choose to live my life as well. Have fun!



  13. Great motto i think that life is all about bieng who you are no quetions. Be who you are and people will begin to appriciate and respect you for the right reasons.

  14. i like your post,It's good to always strive to live a very fulfilling life

  15. I really feel what you are saying here! You only get to live once so you have to make the best of it while you can. Also, I agree that you make valuable friends when you are honest, being a genuine person is very important to me.

  16. Short and to the point... I like it.

  17. i agree!nice.your idea teaches a valuable lesson.

  18. nice motto...i agree with it completely. You got to live life and enjoy it. Have fun and make the best of it.
