Monday, September 14, 2009

Online Networking

There are many advantages as well as disadvantages to social networking websites. MySpace and Facebook have opened up doors to lots of friendships and even relationships. However, they have also been the root of many cases of sexual assults. Many a times people who are not as sensible to these kinds of attacks are the one's who become the victims, whereas; someone who is more knowledgable as to not talk to strangers or untrustworthy characters is a lot less at risk.

In my opinion, I think Facebook is a nice thing to be a part of. I have a Facebook myself, and I have used it to connect with many friends. I have found and rekindled old friendships from as far back as middle school. It creates an easy way to keep in touch with people, as long as you are not using it for anything other than that. I got one in high school so now I have been able to keep in touch with friends I've made from elementary school, high school, and now college.

However, there are some set backs to networking sites. Young girls and boys sign up and become a part of these sites, they put their ages/locations/full names on their profile pages. This automatically creates themselves as target for the sexual predators. They are unaware and oblivious to this most of the time. A young girl or boy may be approached by someone on here and see it as another person on there just simply trying to "hang out", when really they are getting themselves into some trouble with what could be a sexual predator. Some people on networks such as these are not smart about it, which has and can lead to fatal situations.

What I believe it comes down to is; better parental control. I see it as a task needed to be taken upon by the adults in the home who are submissing their children to this. However, young adults need to have their witts about them. Of course, these occurences prove that neither of these two things are always possible. So, whether or not to blame that on the web or the parents is your call. There are dangers everywhere. Otherwise, I dont see who someone can sue the web for something they did not need to be vulnerable to. It is up to the parents to stay monitoring their children.


  1. Your right Parental control is a key and taking responsibility for your own actions. I have a facebook myself and I do not believe for those select few individuals I should lose privelges.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with your argument. I think that these social networking sites are great for people to stay in touch with others. Young kids who join these sites should just becareful with the kind of imformation they provide of themselve on their profile so that sexual predators are less likely to attack them.

  4. I agree that parental control is one of the key parts in keeping young adults and kids safe from trouble.
