Thursday, September 24, 2009

To Each His Own

This is a topic that may have some sort of connection to us all. It is clear that this is a huge controversial issue within our poilitical society today. Many of us are either friends with, are related to, or have some sort of aquaintence with a person who's sexual orientation is gay. For me, peronally, I have a very very close friend of mine who is gay. There's no doubt that he faces all kinds of struggles everyday form the harrassment and snickers of others throughout his day. This picture is an example of how certain people percieve gay people.

One way to look at it is the way the man in this picture see's homosexuals. Many people were raised with the understanding that being of any sexual orientation other than straight is wrong. It is looked down upong and scorned by some. This crowd would rather you keep your private life private and not be so public about that type of thing. The other side is the supporters, this crowd has a level of understanding or support for these people. My friend has delt with lots of discrimination and prejudices. Because of it, I think it has made him a stronger person, whom I look up to for it. He is just like anybody else, therefore; deserves just as much respect as anyone else. However, given that everybody has their own take on things, some people do not treat him the way they would treat someone else.

It is sad to see that people are so judgemental of one another. No one is perfect. The personal context that influences this for me is family. The reason for this is because of a quote I have heard from my mother, "To each his own," meaning let people live, let them do what they choose, and you are not anyone to tell them right from wrong. Especially in this case, where no harm is being done nor are the gay people affecting anyone else by their choice. So, I guess the lesson here is, to not be so judgemental of others and be thankful you don't go through what they might.


  1. I agree this is a controversial topic that won't go away soon. Although some people may not agree with another's sexual orientation we are all still humans. We all deserve the same rights as others, no one is better than someone else to judge people.

  2. I agree that we should view people as humans and not by what they believe or practice. It is also an issue that does not see an end in the foreseeable future. I personally am catholic and am taught that being gay is wrong but, I also know that that is my own religion and should judge others based on what they believe. I want to know what happened to separation of church and state.

  3. Freedom. Isn't that what are country is supposedly all about? You only get one life, and everyone has the natural right to live it the way they want, and if what they want is to be married to someone of the same sex to make them happy, then so be it! It frustrates me that people would actually try and prohibit gay marriage, because how does it affect them in any way, besides seeing them together on the street? Love is meant to be between two people that truly care and want to be with the other. Races and genders should not matter. These uptight people need to just get over it, and accept the freedom, instead of trying to restrict it.

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