Monday, October 5, 2009

Movie Review: Crash

For the movie review blog I picked the movie Crash. This movie is based on racism within society and how people from different walks of life interact with one another. It encompasses their emotions and reactions to one another and it is a very honest movie. There are some suspensful scenes that keep you excited and eager. However, I'd have to say the most prominant feeling it I had was my anger.
I felt that my anger was strongest for a few different reasons. or one, it was hard to watch people treat other people with such disrespect and malice. We are all one and our colors do not define or make us who we are. Secondly I found that my anger was the most prominent due to the unjust way people looked at one another. For example, there are a few times in the movie where it came down to life or death and one of the black characters would not let one of the white men help her in the situation. Lastly, it made me angry beacuse I thought about the reality of it and how this is actually what goes on in today's world.
This movie is a real eye- opening film that I would suggest for anyone. It really shows you the struggles of every race as they encounter these sterotypes throughout the movie. It may also help you put away some of your unjust thoughts. I found it to be a very moving film that focuses on a big issue in our society.


  1. I've always wanted to see this movie. I haven't had a chance yet but I have heard good things about it. It sounds like the movie makes you see things through different perspectives. I think that is very important. I'm definitely going to have to check it out.

  2. This is a nice movie! Actually, this could be a lesson to everyone, especially for racists. We all the same. When I saw this movie for the first time, I was not happy at all to see how people from different races are treated. Nice review.

  3. I saw this movie and most of it angered me. The way the white police officer treats the African-American couple when he stops them for a traffic violation (which I think was non-existant). This really ticked me off. The worst part is that from what I understand, there are people in the world today that still think they are superior and treat others like this.
    What I really liked about this movie was the way the story lines intertwined and the characters paths crossed again.

  4. This is a really great movie. Its great because it doesn't only talk about the outlandish racism that I think pisses us all off, but also that maybe just a little racist that we all sort of have inside us. Those little assumptions we all make about other cultures and races that we deem harmless until something bad happens and causes us to look ourselves in the mirror.

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