Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Topics for essay

My first possible topic is the epidemic of teenage pregnancy. I want to choose this topic because I think it is terrible the way teenage televison and movie stars, such as sixteen year old Jamie Lynn Spears, Britney Spears's little sister have gotten pregnant and publicized it. She has presented it to society as "cute" to have a baby. All the little girls who used to watch her show know that she has had a baby at such an age. Another example, Bristol Palin, Sarah Palins daughter who was seventeen at the time. This epeidemic will desensitize little girls and make it that less of a big deal to be pregnant.

The second topic I am thinking of choosing is internet predators. I would focus on how to decrease the amounts of them and create a safer interenet. There are so many different ways that this can be done which I will research. It is almost an everyday thing where you hear of some little girl or boy being assulted from these kinds of networking sites online. It is a project that would need lots of help, but definatly could have progress made on it.

The last topic I am thinking about choosing is innappropriate role models. There is so much to be explored with this. There are so many people in the media that I could use for this and create a very elaborate essay explaining why these people are not qualified to even be called a "role model." For example, in our parents age, it was good wholesome girls and boys who never presented themselves as raunchy and irresponsible such as the one's we are seeing today. It is a good topic that I think a lot can be derived from.


  1. Hi Sheila,
    I looked over your ideas for the research paper and they all sound good. I am also considering teenage pregnancy but from another point of view. I think your first and third topics kind of go hand in hand.
    From what I read of your ideas and back up for them it seems that you may have better and more narrowed information about teenage pregnancy. So based on your comments I think you should choose that one.
    Good luck!

  2. I would choose your first topic. There is a lot of information available for that topic, plus you seem more interested in teenage pregnancy. There is nothing fun about writing a big paper, but it's a little easier if you are interested in your subject.

  3. I think anyone of your topics would be a good choice although the second and third one might be hard to find concrete information on. I think you should go with the teen pregnancy theme. It is a topic that has many sides and probably a lot of supporting facts.

  4. I like your first topic because it will give a proper perspective on how teenage pregancy affects teenagers. I agree that young girls having kids will give teenagers the wrong idea about pregancies.

  5. I think number two will be a good choice.This topic gives perfect idea , advices, also is educationnel.as you said many youg boys and girls are being assaulted with this kinds of networking cites which is terrible.nice!good luck for your research.

  6. I feel that the teen pregnancy topic is a good go to but it may be to much of a popular choice. There is quite a large bit of information about this topic and you can use examples like, the MTV show "I'm 16 and Preganant.

  7. The first one you will find the most information on. The others are also good. I don't know about the third one as much though.
